What is Currency Appreciation?

  What is Currency Appreciation?  What's the impact? This time Mas Nugroho AK will discuss it in detail but briefly solid. Let's see...

What is CVP analysis?

  What is CVP analysis? Cost Volume Profit Analysis or consolidated as CVP Analysis is an accounting methodology used to perceive the effe...

What is an Economic Stabilization?

  What is an Economic Stabilization? Economic stabilization is a condition in which economic development takes place in a controlled and pr...

What is a Heston model?

  What is a Heston model?  The Heston version is a stochastic version used to reflect onconsideration on the instability of the important as...

What is Marketing Ploy?

  What is Marketing Ploy?  It is an advertising strategy to advance an item or administration. For the most part, showcasing strategies requ...

What is an Investment pool?

  What is an Investment pool? Definition of Investment pool: The Investment pool is an institutional unit that controls money related plans,...

What is Poverty? What is the State's role in Poverty?

  What is Poverty? What is the State's role in Poverty? Poverty, that is the circumstance of someone who lacks cash or assets in a ordin...

What is Repurchase Agreement in Stocks?

  What is Repurchase Agreement in Stocks? Understanding the Repurchase Agreement in Stocks A repurchase Agreement or commonly spoken repo is...

What is a Synthetic Bond?

  What is a Synthetic Bond? A synthetic Bond or generally known as Synthetic Bond (SB) is  defined  as a based product such as numerous unit...

Save Shares or Save In The Bank?

  Save Shares or Save In The Bank? Actually in we invest in stocks or save in the bank has its plus-minus. Because everyone has their planin...

What is the Liquidity Ratio?

  What is the Liquidity Ratio? A liquidity ratio is a proportion that depicts the companys capacity to meet commitments or pay obligations ...

What is Unusual market activity?

  What is Unusual market activity? One of the announcements often delivered by the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) is unusual market activity...

What is Embargo?

  What is Embargo?  Embargo is a ben limitation on business and trade with a country. The word is usually used in advancing and overall legi...

What is the impact of Forex Luqiditas during the pandemic?

  What is the impact of Forex Luqiditas during the pandemic? The impact of coronavirus that hit the world is indeed very impactful on the wo...

What is Liquid Assets?

  What is Liquid Assets? Liquid assets that financial planners often use. Liquid assets are investments for short-term/financial objectives...

What is Neuromarketing?

  What is Neuromarketing?  Neuromarketing is a moderately new arising field of showcasing. Neuromarketing which implies neuromarketing is ...